About Us

Our Vision

About Organiser

  • VTC

  • HKDI


The Hong Kong Denim Festival (HKDF) is designed as a platform to engage perspectives on denim culture and knowledge. With the theme ‘Design Frontiers - Fostering Global Denim Cultural Exchange and Collaboration,’ the 3rd HKDF has two major focuses: 1. HKDF Core Event and 2. Global Denim Design Talent Programme. Organized by The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) of the Vocational Training Council (VTC), the 3rd HKDF Core Event will be held in November 2023 at Central Market in Central and the Sham Shui Po fabric wholesale district. A dynamic series of activities, including a denim bazaar, performances, exhibitions, workshops, and seminars, will be offered to embrace the culture and experience of denim. The event is expected to attract local and international visitors, such as designers, buyers, entrepreneurs, students, and the general public. In collaboration with world-renowned denim mills and brands, the Global Denim Talent Programme (GDTP) is designed to nurture creative talents for the denim industry. Through industry attachments, overseas and Mainland denim field trips, the GDTP offers young designers/startups networking and business development support. The collaboration between the industry and designers will lead to competitive, innovative, and sustainable denim businesses.

Hong Kong Denim Festival 2023

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Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organisers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.

© 2024 Hong Kong Denim Festival. All rights reserved.